Thursday, April 9, 2009

We got a chance to talk to Dr. Kinney today (one of the neonatologists and also a member of our church). We were glad to talk to a Dr. finally since we had a lot of questions. They still haven't seen the fluid from your chest tube turn milky yet. The diagnosis is still Chylothorax, but it may be that we never find out what the actual cause is. The best thing he had to say about prognosis was that you were considered a moderate to severe case when you were born, but he could now say that you could be downgraded to mild. Awesome! The nure also told us about a baby that had severe Hydrops and who recovered to live a normal life. I think you've turned the corner. You keep getting stronger every day and I'm just amazed by you. How can something so small be so strong?

We got to take part in your care this afternoon. I took your temperature and changed your diaper, but you had a suprise for me today! Icky, sticky poopies and you just had to tinkle when that diaper came off! But it was a good diaper output wise. Since the chest tube may be in a while longer, the Dr.'s are going to converse tomorrow about letting us hold you. It'm kind of scared because I don't want to hurt you but oh I can not wait!!! We comforted you again today while the nurse changed the dressing on your chest tube. I'm sorry, that must hurt so much. We are here for you though. Still getting fed 9 cc's every three hours. Digestion has slowed down a little but they said that's typical for the first few days of feeding. You've been a little drooly lately but apparently that's normal for premies who don't get much practice with the sucking and swallowing of regular feeding. The nurse also said you're taking a lot more breaths on your own, over the ventilator, so you're getting strong. You're now at 33 weeks gestation, so we're getting closer and closer.

1 comment:

  1. Just popped by after seeing your comment on the 'Just Us' blog. I hope you get your wish, and your little baby boy is home with you soon, living a healthy, happy and long life :)
