Saturday, April 4, 2009

Big Day!

Today was a big day for both of us. At our visit to the NICU this afternoon the nurses handed us a picture they took last night of you with your eyes open. It is my new favorite picture. Looks like you're saying "I'm hanging in there for you mommy!"

We also got to watch as Dr. Gelfund removed your left chest tube. Victory #1! You tolerated the procedure very well. The next big milestone you made was being switched from the oscillation to the regular ventilator. The Dr. said that brings us one step closer to being able to hold you. It was a very nervous moment for your mommy and daddy as we watched them switch the tubes. A small drop in your stats and then you were going strong again. The swelling has decreased in you right arm, so now you have normal sized arms. You just keep getting tinier and tinier!

Today I was released from the hospital and is was so hard to have to leave you behind in the NICU. We wanted so much to just bring you home with us. We are confident you are in good hands and will continue to thrive. We will come visit you every day.

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